The Architecture of the City (Oppositions Books) Review

The Architecture of the City (Oppositions Books)
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The Architecture of the City (Oppositions Books) ReviewThe Architecture of the City dissects the following principles:
*That architecture is intrinsically connected with the overall city.
*That architecture `grows' from the past and tradition of the city and of human culture.
*That there is "a clearly articulated bond between the shapes of things throughout history".
*That we can search in the history of the city to find archetypes of immutable design.
*That buildings lack individuality except for in relation to the larger urban context.
*That relying on function alone to classify and define architecture reduces the meaning of the city.
*Attempts to explain the coalescence of building typology and urban morphology.
What I have gained from this book:
I have gained a more basic understanding and appreciation of the root concepts behind a city's morphological change over time. I have also gained the understanding that a city needs to be viewed, not as fragments of past history and present change, but as a perennially present organism whose parts are part of an immutable whole.
Final word:
If you want to delve into the most fundamental theories behind the science of urban typology and morphology, study this work, but one would be wise to already have built a substantial understanding of urban history and theory before hoping to fully grasp Rossi's ideas.
Words/Phrases I found to be of particular relevance:
Architecture of the city, locus, urban artifact, typology, urban monuments, an autonomous urban science, a total architecture
One of my favorite quotes from the book:
"We may look at modern cities without enthusiasm, but if we could only see with the eye of the archaeologist of Mycenae, we would find behind the facades and fragments of architecture the figures of the oldest heroes of our culture."
The Architecture of the City (Oppositions Books) Overview

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