The Dynamics of Conflict Resolution: A Practitioner's Guide Review

The Dynamics of Conflict Resolution: A Practitioner's Guide
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The Dynamics of Conflict Resolution: A Practitioner's Guide ReviewIt has been quite a while since I have been excited about a book in our field. With so many new titles popping up in the standard cataloges and the shelves of bookstores, you would think there would either be 1) more to be excited about, or 2) nothing new to get excited about. Not untilBernie Mayer's brand new "The Dynamics of Conflict Resolution: A Practitioner's Guide" have I felt the resources of paper and ink, and human time and energy were well worth it.
This book covers all the things I have wanted a conflict resolution book to do. It covers all the key pieces and concepts of conflict and conflict resolution; it understands and articulates the distinction between conflict resolution and mediation; it speaks to the concerns that have been raised about social justice, power, culture, and the nature(s) of mediation.
When I have taught in the past, and in my current course in conflict management and mediation, I end up using a chapter from here, an article from there, and creating additional writings and handouts as there has not been one title that has given a good description of conflict resolution principles, used good examples from different arenas, and addressed information and questions about mediation. Bernie has done this for me -I mean us- here; the book is readable and understandable, and uses illustrative case examples to help make points clear.
In addition - and this really knocks my socks off - it isn't another how-to book for those looking to do better in their mediation business; yes, the understandings of conflict presented here will help them do that as the author explains. But what I am so, so happy about is that it is from that place where conflict resolution and the work we do in it isn't just about a profession and a business, but the meanings and values that are at the heart of it.In Bernie's words: ". . .In its earlier days it was easy to think of conflict resolution as a social movement, and to focus on demonstrating its relevance and effectiveness, creating new applications, and promoting a common set of practice principles and procedures. Now that the field is more accepted and institutionalized, it is easy to lose sight of the foundational values of our work. . . As we practitioners move from the initial excitement of creating a new field of practice to the less dramatic but equally important challenge of deepening the field's foundation and institutional structure, it is crucial that we retain a clear view of the core values of our work."
It is this `deepening' that has caught my attention and gotten my praise. In my courses I have been talking about power sources, how the dominant culture effects the work and its appropriateness and inappropriateness, even using examples of the Roma and Kosovo. And here they are all in this book.
Bernie is also upfront about not wanting to be "overly prescriptive about what conflict resolvers should do" (he in fact concentrates on the useful ways "thinking about conflict and its resolution") or present set, rigid theories. Instead he allows the reader to take it all in and reflect on their own work and experiences and he hopes "this will stimulate readers to deepen their own thinking or to put forward their own ideas, sometimes, perhaps, by way of disagreeing with mine." Others have spoken somewhat similar words; this time you believe it.
I hope I am asked to teach again next spring. Now I have the book I would have written had Bernie not already done it.The Dynamics of Conflict Resolution: A Practitioner's Guide Overview

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